Hutchison Ports Duisburg

Terminal Services
Trucking Services

For Local Trucking rates please contact our Inside Sales department via:

Storage Services

Valid from 01-01-2025 until 31-12-2025

Storage Services related to indermodal transport Storage Full & Empty
Day 1-5 Day 6 Day 7-10 Day 11-16 ≥ 17 Days
Rates (per TEU per day) Free € 8,00 € 8,00 € 13,00 € 18,00
Additional surcharge (one off)   € 35,00      

Note 1: Day 1 is day of arrival at terminal
Note 2: A surcharge will be applied on day: 6
Note 3: Applicable to import and export, full and empty

Value Added Terminal Services

Valid from 01-01-2025 until 31-12-2025


Terminal Services surcharges Rate Comments
IMO labeling € 45,00 Per container, incl. additional handling (one label only)
Waste Surcharge € 10,00 Per container
Reefer connection On request On exception basis, currently no possibilities in Duisburg
Monitoring of reefers On request On exception basis. 24/7 remote monitoring (by Delta Reefer Care)
Seal replacement € 17,50 Per container, excl. possible additional handling
Weighing (transport bound) € 40,00 According to SOLAS regulation, weighing certificate is issued on request (PDF)
Non Cargo Card fee / Trip Card € 45,00 Per visit, applicable to truckers that cannot present a valid Cargo Card at Gate In
Shunting by terminal truck € 45,00

Hutchison Ports Duisburg - DUSS terminal. Per container, per direction including 30 min free terminal time excluding handling

Waiting time shunting by terminal truck € 15,00 Amount applicable after free time of 30 mins, per direction, per 10 min


Handling of containers

Valid from 01-01-2025 until 31-12-2025


Full and empty containers, per handling Rate  
Truck, Barge, Rail € 35,00
Rail, shifting containers from a rail wagon to another position on the train, per container € 35,00
Barge; shifting containers from bay to bay on board a barge, per container € 35,00
Stack; repositioning of containers on terminal on request of customer € 35,00
Interim storage handling; temporary storage of (non-)transport bound container. (Hutchison Ports Duisburg is excluded from liability for any delay and/or demurrage and detention costs that may occur.) € 42,50
Weekend supplement (for rail or barge objects)
Per handling, applicable to handlings during weekends from Saturday 06:00 to Monday 06:00 and holidays. Holidays start at the evening prior to holiday 22:00 and end at the day after the holiday 06:00. Applicable to scheduled objects. Non scheduled objects on request – surcharges apply.
€ 2,50
* Handling Energy Surcharge (HES): each handling rate is subject to a surcharge if EAF is above 17%. For more information:…
  • Third party Rail and Barge handling rates exclude Port Dues.
  • Port Dues will be charged 1 to 1 to the customer and are subject to change (as publicly published by Duisport)
  • The latest Port Dues can be found at the website of Duisport:

Entgeltverzeichnis - Rail:

Hafengeld - Barge:


Storage of containers, full or empty (non-IMO / non-Waste), in interim stack

Valid from 01-01-2025 until 31-12-2025

Applicable to non-transport bound containers.
Per TEU per calendar day or part thereof, starting at the day of arrival
A stack handling will be charged per container when the container is transferred to the carriers depot
0-10 days € 12,50
>10days € 25,00


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