Following on from the transport by rail and inland shipping between the seaports and the inland terminals in our network, HPEI offers you fast and efficient local transport by truck:
From inland terminal to your front door and back
For transporting your containers between the inland terminal and your warehouse or production location, you can choose from three different options:
- Live load: The truck delivers your container and waits for it to be loaded and/or unloaded
- Drop & swap: The truck delivers one container and immediately collects another
- Drop & collect: The truck delivers a container and returns to collect it at a later time
From and to an empty depot
We deliver your empty containers by truck to the desired empty depot or collect it there for you.
For more information about local trucking, please contact sales.nl@hutchisonports.nl.
Shunting Services & Port Transfers
In the seaport, we arrange the transport of your containers between the rail terminal and the deepsea terminal in cases where we do not directly call at the terminal by train.
For more information and rates of our Shunting Services click here.