Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions 
The Terms & Conditions Hutchison Ports Europe Intermodal (HPEI) and Hutchison Ports inland terminals apply to all our services*. You can find these via this link.
In addition to legislation, these Terms & Conditions refer to various industry terms and conditions that apply to the services of HPEI and which you can find via the links below:

  • Domestic road carriage in the Netherlands: the Dutch General Transport Conditions (AVC) 2002, version 2015* (with the exception of clause 29 of those Conditions) 
  • Terminal services performed at the terminal of Hutchison Ports Duisburg (Germany) and ancillary transport services if directly booked by Customer with Hutchison Ports Duisburg: the ADSp version 2017 
  • Customs Services and Intermodal Forwarding: the Dutch Forwarding Conditions 2018 (with the exception of clause 23 of those Conditions. In derogation from the overall limitation amount mentioned in clause 11.3 of the Dutch Forwarding Conditions 2018, '10,000 SDR' shall be read as 'EUR 250').

Standard Operating Procedures

The Hutchison Ports Europe IntermodaI Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to all services.* 
The Intermodal Forwarding Operating Procedures are applicable to all Intermodal Forwarding services.
In addition, the following Standard Operating Procedures apply to the Hutchison Ports inland terminals: 

Standard Operating Procedure Hutchison Ports Venlo
Standard Operating Procedure Hutchison Ports Duisburg
Standard Operating Procedure Hutchison Ports Belgium

Claims Procedure
In case of any claims resulting from the performance of our services, the Claims Procedure applies.* 

Electronic Communication Procedure
To communication by electronic means, the Electronic Communication Procedure applies.*

* The latest version always applies, unless HPEI has decided otherwise.

Purchase Conditions
HPEI’s purchase conditions apply to all purchase agreements that HPEI enters into with its suppliers and contractors, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing. You can find these via this link.

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